Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Almost forgot all about this blog

Since discovering facebook many things have been pushed to the this blog...a couple of forums I belong to...but I'm determined to try to fit in more time with my net friends. Although facebook has allowed me to reconnect with some people I'd lost touch with through the years. I'm now back in touch with my best friend from high school, one of my cousins (actually met up with him and his family at the zoo recently), not to mention its a way for me to keep in contact with friends and family that are around here.
Summer is here in a big way! Heat has been awful and its only June!! Usually we don't see these temps until mid-July into August. Working two mornings a week over the summer months...but that just doesn't seem enough time to get everything done I need to for the coming school year. The kids are in summer school until the end of this month and are enjoying every minute of it! I can't believe Lizzy will be in Fifth grade this fall and my baby in Third...where has the time gone?