Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Almost forgot all about this blog

Since discovering facebook many things have been pushed to the this blog...a couple of forums I belong to...but I'm determined to try to fit in more time with my net friends. Although facebook has allowed me to reconnect with some people I'd lost touch with through the years. I'm now back in touch with my best friend from high school, one of my cousins (actually met up with him and his family at the zoo recently), not to mention its a way for me to keep in contact with friends and family that are around here.
Summer is here in a big way! Heat has been awful and its only June!! Usually we don't see these temps until mid-July into August. Working two mornings a week over the summer months...but that just doesn't seem enough time to get everything done I need to for the coming school year. The kids are in summer school until the end of this month and are enjoying every minute of it! I can't believe Lizzy will be in Fifth grade this fall and my baby in Third...where has the time gone?

Friday, March 20, 2009

Kansas City Zoo

Since the kids and I were all off today we decided to take advantage of the fairly nice weather and took a trip to the zoo. Decided to take the 'good' camera and got some nice photos. Thought I'd share a few of them. I think I am going to really like the new viewing areas in the Africa section (if the kids will sit still long enough to enjoy them). This is the first time I've taken the Canon with the 70-300mm lens to the zoo....loving the zoom!!

This bird was pretty cool..not sure what it is as the picture on the name board didn't look anything like this bird.

The dog on the right won the tug-of-war.

I think this one has to be my fav out of the oh...70 some odd pictures I took.

Friday, March 13, 2009

My 12 X 12 photos this month fell a little short of 12....I took a photo of Red Robin where we ate dinner last night. They were running a fundraiser last night for an organization that took in puppies/dogs from a puppy mill that the owner had set on fire. They were donating 10% of the nights take to the organization.
Just playing with the camera...took a couple shots of the sky.
One of my rugrats....making funny faces at me.

Our bird...not a very good picture...cage was giving me a hard time.

A little better but still blurry.

Saw the flag blowing in the wind just as a song came on the radio about 9/11 so took this shot.

Another shot of the sky on our way home last night....out of the front window of the van.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

12 X 12

So today is the 12th day of the month...and of course I forgot to take my camera with me today. One of the forums I belong to has been doing a project to take 12 photos on the 12th day of the month. So far (and its 4pm as I type this) I've taken a total of 1 of those 12. These photos can just be everyday ordinary things.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Completely wiped!! That's how I feel right now and still have a good part of my day ahead of me since for some reason they seem to believe the secretary of the PTA just HAS to be at the meetings. I'd love to vent about today but won't because the bulk of it involves a child (the other part involves the preschool fundraiser and how FedEx was SUPPOSED to be there by noon and didn't show up until 2).

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Gotta love clearance sales!!

I went shopping today and picked up three tops and two pairs of bottoms for my daughter and spent a whopping $21!! At Macy's!!! They were marked down to $3.99 --two of the tops where originally $44 the other three items were originally $30. Debating about going back and picking up this Kathy Van Zeeland bag I saw for 50% off.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Haven't posted anything in a few days....things at work have been busy. We've been getting ready to accept enrollments for next Fall. We also had conferences at the kids' school this past week. They were kinda fun...the kids lead the conferences and tell us about what they are doing.
We are also in the process of planning a trip to Disneyworld for Christmas!! I know...the most crowded time of the year...but can't be helped....with my job I have no vacation days even don't have summers off anymore as I work two days each week during the summer (I do go from 30 hours a week to 6 but still have to be there). Our family is talking about going with aunt and uncle, niece and maybe my cousin and her son. I think P and I have it narrowed down to a decision to stay on the Disney property. We were looking at the option of staying in a vacation rental home and the whole family staying together but I'm kinda afraid of doing that...for one what if they cancel and decide not to go? two...can I really be in the same house with family for 9 nights??

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

This has just been one of those days!! We had a fundraiser going on at the preschool (its looking good so far), printer at work won't print off a document that I have to have for enrollment packets that I want to send out tomorrow, I had to let one of my employees go today, made a mess out of the deposit and had to go back to school to fix it before going to the bank again, and to top it all off I have a headache. Hmmm....come to think of it...all that is probably WHY I have the headache.
I did take a few minutes to play in paintshop but can't give it to the gal I made it for as the forum is having technical difficulties :-(

Monday, February 16, 2009

A start

I've been wandering around other people's blogs for awhile now and been considering starting my finally bit the bullet and went for it. I've been wanting somewhere to share things I've made, pictures I've taken, or just random musings.

If you know me in the real world...a little background...Feather is the nick I use online pretty much exclusively....Feather was a character that I wrote for in an interactive writing community that I belonged to. The story line began around the enchanted world of Avalon. Feather was a sprite with an un-natural attraction to humans...she found them fascinating for some reason. I wandered into the group through a contact made in a signature tag request group (which I'd found through a parenting group). I used my Feather nick when joining request groups. Soon just asking others to make tags for me to use in the group wasn't enough and I began playing in paintshop pro. Now I've been playing for --oh-- 8 or 9 years now. The nick Feather has stuck around even though the writing group was disbanded years ago (in fact the character still seems to think she has story left to tell).

Those who know me from paintshop forums/ you know the history of how Feather came to be...well...most of it anyway. Actually got the name from a random fairy name generator.